Final Reflection

Hello there and welcome to the last TC2004 post at my blog. It’s been a great experience for me, and I hope, I have provided knowledge and also a little bit of entertainment. This will be my last reflection on this blog. The Germans have a very poetic saying: Everything has an (one) end, only …

Mastery12 Object-Oriented Testing

Mastery12 Hello there, and welcome to the next topic. Today I will tell you something about testing in Object-Oriented Testing. Once again, I have a nice song for you so, play it and enjoy the post. Today’s topic is the Object-Oriented Testing (OOT). We have already talked about testing in general, as a phase in …

Mastery11 Verification and Validation

I know you reacted the same way after seeing my new blog post about Mastery Topic 11. And I am happy, happy to introduce you this topic, which is about Software Verification and Validation. Besides that, you will learn what Panna Cotta and Software have in common. But what is Software Verification and Validation for?  …

Mastery10 Code Revision

You read my last post and now you’re writing the code for your software. You have finally completed the most complicated method of your software. Tested and it works without problems or errors. You are somehow proud that you finally did it, because it took so long. You have a meeting with your professor to …

Mastery08 Classes to tables

You have created a Class diagram and your next step is to create a database? My friend let me tell you that you are just at the right place!Just follow this few steps (and listen to the music I embedded) and you will be successful! Map the classes to tables Take the attributes and map them …

Mastery 05 Design Patetrns

Loooong time no see! Welcome toooo the right blog tooo beee and the next amazing topic, called:DEEEESIIIIGN PAAAATERNNNSSSS. „What is wrong with Solid Snake today?“-You Well, last week was tough, I had partials, 3 blog posts, my reflection, quizzes, homework and lot of group project stuff to do. Plus, I have to finish my approx. …

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