Right Blog to be.

Welcome to the right Blog to be.

  • Hi @all.

    20. August 2019 von

    Even if a pawn becomes a queen, it’s still just a playing piece. — B.B. As long as you play by the rules made by others, you’re just like a chess piece. Find your own rules and express yourself in your own way. Not only in your own Blog but also in your everyday life.… Weiterlesen

  • Final Reflection

    7. Dezember 2019 von

    Hello there and welcome to the last TC2004 post at my blog. It’s been a great experience for me, and I hope, I have provided knowledge and also a little bit of entertainment. This will be my last reflection on this blog. The Germans have a very poetic saying: Everything has an (one) end, only… Weiterlesen

  • Mastery12 Object-Oriented Testing

    19. November 2019 von

    Mastery12 Hello there, and welcome to the next topic. Today I will tell you something about testing in Object-Oriented Testing. Once again, I have a nice song for you so, play it and enjoy the post. Today’s topic is the Object-Oriented Testing (OOT). We have already talked about testing in general, as a phase in… Weiterlesen

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